Thursday, 15 July 2010

New Arrivals this Week...

This week we've had quite a selection of books on cookery etc etc.... click any of the images to find out more about each book.

New In Fiction...

The Road Home - Rose Tremain
Bridgnorth Books Used Price: £1.50
In The Road Home, Tremain tells the story of Lev, an Eastern European migrant worker who has left his village and travelled to England so that he can finance a better life for his mother and daugther. He takes with him his grief for his dead wife. There is an almost fairytale-like quality to Lev's chance encounters and where they lead him, although, that said, they also feel natural and possible; Tremain has always been good on the essential randomness of experience.

Sweet Thames - Matthew Kneale
RRP: £6.99
Bridgnorth Books Used Price:£1.00
London in the summer of 1849. With a deadly cholera epidemic threatening, young engineer Joshua Jeavons is convinced it is his mission to save the capital and reform its festering sewers. Meanwhile in his dometsic life he is troubled by the baffling coldness shown towards him by his beautiful bride, Isobella. As he struggles to win her round, he works feverishly on a revolutionary drainage plan. This is his dream, his dazzling vision of the future: a London free of effluent. Then a sudden and mystifying disappearance throws his whole life upside-down. He is forced to embark on a harrowing search, which plucks him from his respectable life and throws him into a London previously unknown to him.

New In Cookery...

Cooking in Provence - Alex Mackay
Bridgnorth Books Used Price: £3.50
New Zealand chef Alex Mackay stormed his way into high cuisine in the late 80s and early 90s and made his name as, not only a talented sous-chef working in Michelin-starred kitchens, but as a culinary enthusiast keen and very able to impart this love to others. A chance meeting with celebrated photographer Peter Knab and his wife led to an eclectic threesome. This is a celebration of that successful partnership: recipes from Alex Mackay accompanied by the sumptuous, colourful photographs of Peter Knab, reflecting the vivacity and gastronomic adoration endemic to the region.

Apples for Jam - Tessa Kiros
Bridgnorth Books Used Price: £4.99
It's the colour that catches your eye first. The bold pink and red cover of Tessa Kiros' Apples for Jam is immediately distinctive, particularly with its eye-catching photo of a pair of red, well-worn children's shoes. And colour is hugely important in this book as Tessa and her colour-coded recipes explore the spectrum of childhood through chapters that include gold and monochrome, pink, yellow and red.

If you would like to reserve any of the above titles or enquire about a book please contact us.

1 comment:

  1. Do you have any other Tessa Kiros books in stock at the moment? Or are you able to get any? I'm a huge fan but have struggled to find used copies of her books online. I already have Apples for Jam, great book.

    Hope you can help..!
