Saturday, 31 July 2010

Summer Reads For Kids and Teens

If there’s any truth in the line that things that were better back in our days then books from that era must surely make for the best summer reading! Michelle Pauli noted in the Guardian yesterday that “...when thinking about what "summer reading" meant for me as a child. It certainly wasn't about purpose-bought new books!” Nor for me.

The same article and it’s related comments list many great children’s books, several of which Bridgnorth Books currently have in store. Books by Meg Rosoff, Judy Blume and Roald Dahl to name but a few. (In fact I recently read one of Meg Rosoffs books myself, which was actually quite good from an adults perspective! That’s now also available in the shop.)

Russell has several of your contemporary children’s authors too but I personally still prefer the likes of Fantastic Mr Fox or Georges Marvellous Medicine anyday! Roald Dahl brings back such wonderful memories.

What were your favourite summer reads as a child? Or what are you children reading now? Do let us know in the comments below...!

1 comment:

  1. Sue Townsend and Adrian Mole! I followed him from aged 13 and three quarters. When I get chance I must check back to see how he's doing now...
